Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Make sure you vote for your favorite kittie. Also look for upcoming polls. If you have a poll idea leave a comment or email me.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Have you ever tried to take your cat for a walk on a harness and leash. If your cat was like my Tyler then he must have been sniffing everything (including ant hills), sitting down in the dirt to lick his paws, then racing off again after seeing a bird. In the meantime, your arm is feeling like it has been pulled out of its socket. You probably never knew your cat had that much strength.

My family and I keep our cats indoors all the time, since our area in southern California is desert, there are desert animals, including coyotes that would love to make a cute kittie into dinner. There are other reasons why they are indoors too, but that is the main one.

Tyler is fascinated with the outdoors and will go outside whenever he gets the chance. Wiggles doesn't care as much, because he was a barn cat and lived outside before we got him anyway. Anywho, whenever my mom, dad and I would go for a family walk, Tyler would always watch us go and meow sad goodbyes. We thought about taking him on a leash with us, but after remembering the last time, plus the HOT ground we decided against that. Still, we felt bad for Tyler so we got him a cat stroller.

Now he LOVES to go for walks. He loves it so much that we actually have to spell the word W-A-L-K when we want to go by ourselves, because if we don't, Tyler will be at our feet in less than thirty seconds meowing and going by "his buggy," then coming back to us. It is very cute. All we have to say is, "Tyler, do you want to go for a walk?" and he will jump down from the couch and hop right in.

He will lay down in it and when we get home he will hop down, make a trip to the litter box, get something to eat, then settle down for a nice cat nap just like nothing had happened.

If you are feeling sorry for poor Wiggles being left alone while the four of us go on a nice walk, don't. We tried to take him for a walk many times, but when we put him in he jumped right back out before we could even touch the zipper, let alone zip it up. So instead he is our welcoming committee. Whenever we get home he is always by the door and meowing (not a sad and lonely one, but a "hi its nice to see ya again" kind).

"There are few things in life more heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat"
Tay Hohoff

Monday, July 28, 2008

Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?

This is funny. We have all heard and read that a cat always land on his/her feet, because while still in the air they twist and blah, blah, blah. I as well as you believed that until a certain incident occured at my own home. So I am here to prove that cats don't always land on their feet.

One day (5 years ago) Tyler was sleeping on my parents bed very near the edge. He had done that before and had never fallen...until that day (5 years ago).

My mom and I were reading a book about the Civil War, when Tyler opened his eyes and started to stretch. We watched him yawn, try to touch the sky and look cute. What happen next went by so fast it is a wonder I know what happened at all, but lucky for you I do know. One minute Tyler was reaching for the sky and the next minute he was gone. Yes he had fallen off the bed. If that wasn't shocking enough he hit the ground ON HIS SIDE! (cue dramatic music).

We knew this, because in our old house (where this unfortunate incident occurred) there were big full length mirrors on that particular side of the bed where Tyler fell off. So through the mirrors we saw him falling.

Anywho the point is he fell on his side, not his feet. Although if he had been fully awake, aware, and watching perhaps he would have landed on his feet. But instead he was still sleepy, drowsy, and yawning. The poor little guy probably had no idea what had happened. He had just awoken up from a lovely cat nap and was recalling his dream about delicious chicken, when all of the sudden he was hitting the floor on his side. Needless to say he has never slept on the edge of a bed again.

"Even when you are sure a cat has done something unintentionally, the truth of the matter is that, that was exactly what they meant to do all along."
*Picture from

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Books To Read With Your Cat

There is a book called Three Stories You Can Read to Your Cat. I used to read it to Tyler before we got Wiggles. He would walk around while I was reading it, interrupt me with "questions," and rub my legs. I always laughed at the stories especially The Yummy Bug. Another cute book is Bedtime Stories for Cats and Three More Stories You Can Read to Your Cat. Even if your cat won't sit down long for you to read them to him/her they are still fun to read yourself.

Tip: If you see your cat sleeping start reading the stories softly, like a lullaby. If your cats ears are twitching you will know he/she is listening.

My cats love to read in general. If either my mom or I start reading Tyler will hop onto my mom's lap and Wiggles (<--picture) is usually on the couch by one of our heads listening. If we are reading in another room with the door closed, they will sit by the door and "cry" until we let them in. If you have any books that your cats love to hear, please email me or leave a comment.

"Like a graceful vase, a cat, even when motionless, seems to flow."
George F. Will

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hello Kittie Luvers

Hello Kittie Luvers!

I think (being kittie luvers) we all agree that cats are special, lovable, snooty at times and sometimes downright stubborn animals. They do exactly what they want to do when they want to do it, even if you don't want them to, but for some reason we still love them.

Take my two cats in this picture (left is Tyler 8 yrs. old right is Wiggles 2 yrs old) they jump onto countertops, go in rooms they know are off limits to them and want food just as you are getting comfortable. But then they do something so cute that you can't be mad at them anymore.

Anywho this is a blog where kittie lovers can share their cute and funny stories about cats. Is you cat so smart that he/she could be a great star in a movie, maybe he/she can do math, speak French or sing. Even if your cat isn't a "prodigy" or extremley smart, please leave a comment or even better email me a picture of you cat and a little bit about him/her. Favorite food, toy, funny thing he/she does to get attention. I would love to post the picture and "bio." My email is Also if you have a quote about kitties (something that you heard, saw, read or made up yourself) please email those to me as well. I can always use some more.

That is all for now. Hope you enjoy this blog.

"Dogs come when they're called; cats take a message and get back to you later."
Mary Bly

Friday, July 25, 2008