Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How Did Your Pet Get It's Name?

Write in and tell me how your cat got its name. Was it something he/she did or is it or is it a name you've always loved.

Tyler got his name, because that was the name I would have been named if I had been a boy and that would have been the name if I had, had a brother.

Wiggles was a little more complicated. When we first got him we started calling him Little Buddy or Buddy for short, because he was Tyler's little buddy. Then he started being so cute and cuddly that we changed his name to Snuggles. Then we saw the way he pounces on things. He lays down and watches it, then he sticks his bottom in the air, wiggles it then pounces. Hence the name Wiggles.

A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes.
Indian Proverb

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dog Willie, got it's name after my favorite baseball player, Willie Mayes.